Symfony Framework is a PHP open source Framework for web applications. What is a framework? In the context of web development we could say that framework is a collection of objects, such as classes, which can be repeatedly used for developing dynamic web sites, web applications and web services. Agency Sensi Labs has created this framework for their own website needs. Symfony have been released in 2005th under the MIT Open Source license and is today one of the leading frameworks for PHP web content development. It is characterized by a variety of activities, great community support, professional support, etc. Numerous sites are built precisely by using the Symfony Framework – Yahoo!, Daillymotion,, snd even phpBB.
Using a Framework can be a very good choice because of more facts. Here we answer the question of why exactly Symfony framework:
Symfony is used to ensure quality and customer satisfaction with the service provided. With Symfony and our professional team, nothing is left to chance.
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